De Rham Theory (part 2)
Intuitive cohomology
Continuing from last time we will now introduce the duality
between forms and chains, or the Stokes theorem which is of a fundamental importance in math and physics. Recalling that ∂ represents the boundary, and d is the exterior derivative, George Stokes
proved the following identity:
We can introduce an inner product: between a cycle Ω and a cocycle ω: < Ω , ω > as the integral of ω over the domain Ω.
Stokes theorem then simply states: < ∂Ω
, ω > = < Ω , dω > Why do we state it like this? Because the boundary
of a boundary is zero: ∂∂ = 0 implies that dd = 0 as follows:
0 = < ∂∂Ω , ω > = < ∂Ω , dω > = < Ω , dd ω >
Recall that for boundaries we have an exact sequence (which is also called a chain complex). For the usual 3D space this means:
Then we have a De
Rham co-chain complex (in co-chains
the arrows point in the reversed direction):
and from dd = 0 we recognize the usual identities:
Gradient of a curl is zero
Curl of a divergence is zero.
Finally we arrive at De Rham Theorem.
From chain complexes we extract the
Ker/Image homology group: Hp
= Zp/Bp
From cochain complexes we the Ker/Image
cohomology group: Hp
DR = (α| d α = 0)/( α| d α = β)
De Rham theorem tells us that the two groups are isomorphic:
Hp ~ Hp
This means that we
can explore the topological properties of the space by looking at the solutions
of differential equation on that space.
For example, an electric charge generates an electric field
around it. The spatial distribution of the electric field can tell us the
location of the charge. That is why the second cohomology group H2 DR
can be interpreted as an electric charge! In general cohomological classes have
a physical interpretation.
Next time we will venture into the related wonderful world
of Hodge theory.